
Tri Pitbull Puppy

This is a Tri Pitbull Puppy from Riverside County Pitbulls. This is an XL Tri Puppy that they produced. You can tell by the quality of this puppy that this pitbull kennel knows what they are doing when it comes to breeding tri xl bullies. The color of this puppy is a Blue Tri some would call it a ghost tri. The color of this puppy and the body structure of it combined with the size makes this puppy rare. As i have said before you do not see this quality very often.

Pitbull Puppies Online

There are plenty of websites to do with pitbull puppies when it comes to being online. The best thing you can do is just do your research and browse around the internet search engines until you do your homework on the different pitbull breeds, bloodlines and kennels. Owning a pitbull can be very fun and also much extra work added to your day.

Blue XL Pitbull Puppy

We produced this boy off of Moses and Candy our 2 XL pitbulls.  Pitbull Breeders  located in Central Florida but ship our puppies worldwide. This boy went up to MO to a client of ours named Lobo , he just got back from South Korea from being in the military. He couldn't have went to a better home. This boy was only 7 weeks old in the photo. Im sure this puppy will hit 100 lbs or more when he gets full grown.